luscious olives on the property of Casale di Valle

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a couple of fellas at San Miniato del Monte, Florence
lunch out in Florence
the decadence of Cafe Gilli, Florence
the remains of a beautiful evening
I have sat down to write this last post a few times now, and the words just get caught in my mind and typing fingers . . . There aren't the right words or photos to describe my final thoughts on traveling with a wonderful group of creative people to experience wine, food and culture far from home -- in the Tuscan hills -- a place where there's a palpable confluence of artistic and edible energy, so powerful and full of conviction, it leaves you a different, more human, more optimistic, more radiant person. This is out there, but it's true. You get a little touch of the magic by being there, this Italy fairy dust is clinging to my still-dirty socks and hopefully, imbued in a few of my images.

I'm eternally grateful for all that I learned and tasted. When Italy invites you into your arms, Mamma Mia you can't say no, but I had no idea what I was in for.

Visit my fellow DaVinci Wine Story Tellers Sites -- they are such dolls!

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